Peter Fredricsen of Rotomara Holdings Ltd relies on Equip2's Keestrack machines for concrete recycling and aggregate production at Kiwi Point Quarry. The partnership began in 2016 and Equip2's exceptional service and product knowledge have cemented a strong ongoing relationship. Peter values the flexibility and quality of the Keestrack B3 jaw crusher, R3 impactor, and K3 screen, which have significantly boosted his business's output and versatility.
Read In FullCMH is a proud Wanaka based Contractor and Quarrying business building some amazing projects, see how their Quarry helps them deliver results for their projects.
Read In Full2021's Equip2 Demo Day featured more gear than ever. With over 20+ pieces of equipment and CAT gear, it's NZ's Biggest Quarrying Equipment Event.
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